Over September and October 2022, an epic survey was undertaken which covered a total of 121 kms of roads and fire trails (33 in total) across six National Parks (NP), two Nature Reserves (NR), three State Forests (SF), one State Conservation Areas (SCA), and one Community Conservation Areas (CCA). These included Washpool NP, Curramore SF, Forest Land SF and Moogem SF within the Gibraltar MU; Bluff River NR, Timbarra NP, Basket Swamp NP, Capoompeta NP, Butterleaf NP and SCA, and Bolivia Hill NR within the Bluff River MU; and Kwiambal NP and CCA Zone 1 within the Kwiambal MU. Virtus Archaeologists were assisted in the surveys by NPWS Rangers or Field Officers and Sites Officers from Moombahlene LALC, Glen Innes LALC and Ashford LALCs. Toomelah LALC were unable to participate due to access issues from flood waters.

Across the survey areas only eight new sites were identified including seven artefact sites and one modified tree. Seven of these sites were located within the Gibraltar MU and an isolated find within the Kwiambal NP. This isolated find was located within a sensitive landform at the confluence of the MacIntyre and Severn Rivers, and an exclusion zone around this area was recommended. The relatively low number of sites identified across the survey area is likely due to the low visibility within the parks due to heavy vegetation from the recent rains, and the low sensitivity landforms (mainly slopes) that the roads and fire trails generally traverse. Sites that were previously recorded within the parks include artefact sites, scarred trees, Potential Archaeological Deposits (PAD), bora grounds, stone arrangements and ceremony and dreaming sites.

In order to protect and manage these sites NPWS will avoid works in these areas where possible and undertake cultural heritage inductions with workers to ensure that sites or sensitive landforms are not impacted.