These works were completed under an AHIP that was secured after an Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment was undertaken and identified an AHIMS site including PAD, midden and stone artefacts (at the site of the GPT, called Project Area A) and PAD with shell and bone material (Project Area B). Community collection of surface artefacts was undertaken prior to the salvage of 19 locations across the two project areas, comprising 10 mechanical and 8 manual augers as well as one 1m x 1m pit that was mechanically excavated.

Community collection salvaged 8 artefacts from Area A, and two small flakes and two pieces of debitage were recovered in the subsurface salvage within Project Area A (GPT) all from within 40cm of the surface. No artefacts were recovered from Project Area B and no intact midden material was identified across either of the project areas. The subsurface investigations demonstrated that both project areas are capped with introduced fill with natural deposits only occurring at depths greater than ~60cm in most areas. Registered Aboriginal Parties who participated in the community collection and salvage were satisfied that all areas of potential impact were investigated and there was low risk of harm to Aboriginal objects.