Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Investigation Process for NSW Flowchart

This document outlines the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage investigation process for Heritage NSW, including the Aboriginal consultation process, Due Diligence process and Archaeological Assessment reporting guidelines.
Heritage NSW – Guide to investigating, assessing and reporting on Aboriginal cultural heritage in NSW

This document guides the process for investigating and assessing Aboriginal Cultural Heritage in NSW, including the preparation of Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment (ACHA) reports.
Heritage NSW – Aboriginal cultural heritage consultation requirements for proponents 2010

This guide outlines the requirements for consultation as part of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage process to determine potential impacts on Aboriginal objects and places and inform decision-making for Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit (AHIP) applications.
Heritage NSW – Applying for an Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit: Guide for applicants

This guide outlines the Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit (AHIP) application process, including when and how to apply for a permit, the assessment process and links to relevant legislation.
Heritage NSW – Code of Practice for Archaeological Investigation of Aboriginal Objects in NSW

This code of practice defines the requirements for undertaking test excavation as part of archaeological investigations where the proposed activities may have the potential to harm Aboriginal objects or declared Aboriginal places.
Heritage NSW – Due Diligence Code of Practice for the Protection of Aboriginal Objects in NSW

This code of practice supports individuals and organisations to exercise due diligence when carrying out activities that may harm Aboriginal objects and determine if an Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit (AHIP) may be required.
New Client Welcome Pack

Our New Client Welcome Pack shares more information about our business, team and services and steps you through the necessary forms and checklists to streamline our work together.
Reconciliation Action Plan 2021 – 2023

Our Innovate Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) outlines our vision for reconciliation. It is based on the pillars of Relationships, Respect and Opportunities, which continue as commitments of our earlier Reflect and Innovate RAPs.